Best Conflict Management Skills for Leaders

Written by Abby Hill
3 mins, 41 secs Read
Updated On December 5, 2023
 Conflict resolution skills

When you are working, you will face lots of conflicts. Sometimes you are working smoothly, and out of nowhere, some conflicts and problems will arise in your work, and you do not have anything to do but make it a good thing and work on it. 

When there are conflicts, you need to take time for them and find a solution to them. 

Here are the things you need to know so that you can have your conflict management skills for leaders that might help you according to CMA Consulting:

  1. Make sure that you always respect each other’s aspects, mindset, and thoughts because not everyone has the same mindset as yours. 

If your mindset is for something professional and your workmates are not, make sure you let them understand your side and also make sure that you ask for their opinions and ideas. 

Make sure that you give importance to their opinions or the things they are telling for the good of your work. Make sure that if you want to listen to them, you are also listening to them. Businesses benefit from diversity. 

Do You Know?: 85% of employees experience conflict at all levels to some degree.

This means that when resolving conflicts among team members, leaders must appreciate the diversity of backgrounds and perspectives involved. 

Taking the time to get to know team members is the best method to respect individual diversity.

  1. Procrastination does not help with conflict resolution. 

Leaders who sit back and wait for issues to resolve themselves set everyone up for a more complicated process. It’s time to take action once there’s strong evidence that a problem harms performance. 

By requiring solid evidence, you can avoid having to intervene in minor situations that will eventually fade away on your own. 

However, intervening as soon as evidence of a problem prevents it from becoming unmanageable.

  1. The next thing is you always ask what the best is, ask what the things you need to improve, and ask what the missing thoughts or ideas in your work are. 

Ask about everything that might confuse you in your work, ask if there are things you need to work on and tell them you need their honest opinion because that is for your good. 

Interesting Fact: Conflicts are costly- $359 billion in paid hours or the equivalent of 385 million working days. Also, 25% of employees avoid conflict by calling in sick or being absent from work.

Asking for the best for your work is for the team and not only you. 

That is why you need their honest opinion so that if there are ugly parts in the work, you can still work on it ahead of time.

  1. Make sure you listen. If you ask, make sure that you listen, not always asking and asking, giving and giving advice. 

Make sure that you also listen. Not every time, people will be the ones listening to you because you are the leader. 

Also, take time to listen. Listen effectively because it will give a big help to your work.

Why is Conflict Management Important For Leaders?

Conflict resolution skill

Conflict occurs in every organization, the thing is how leaders manage them. Are you a leader? Then you must acquire conflict management skills to foster a streamlined workflow without any hindrances. Another reason to support this statement is as follows:

  1. Improve processes and stronger goals

As mentioned above, organizations with someone who can resolve conflicts can streamline their operations. Consequently, this will lead to improved processes and stronger goals. 

– Peter Drucker

“What gets measured, gets managed”.

Utilizing positive methods it allows team members to communicate freely regarding their issues. 

Comparison graph

The percentage mentioned in comparison between 2023 and 2020 based on various factors are the vital statistics of workplace communication. Recently, 99% saw positive benefits, 12% stated that there were negative impacts, 95% stated that they will continue working in a remote/hybrid way, and finally, 67% mentioned they use Slack

More often, being a leader you should let members offer their opinions on how to resolve issues. In this way, you can improve current processes and strengthen assigned goals. 

  1. Prevents future goals

Individuals who have enough knowledge of conflict management and ways to find positive or favorable solutions can aid themselves with the previously used solution and prevent it from reoccurring. 

Therefore, it ensures that a project can progress on the mentioned schedule, boosts the team’s morale, and facilitates the team’s respect against management. 

— Brian Tracy

“It doesn’t matter where you are coming from. All that matters is where you are going”.

  1. Improve teamwork

Conflict happens, it’s a part of a working life. The growth and reduction of conflicts depend on how leaders work out differences and reach a positive conclusion that benefits all. 

Likewise, leaders are expected to not knock on others’ brains as they differ in opinion from you. Rather, try to handle the situation peacefully. 

— Ronald Reagan

“Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means”. 

However, it is believed that attitude is one of the major factors that can make a difference. It would rather damage or deepen your relationship with other members and foster improved teamwork. 

To Wrap Up

In conclusion, these things are the things you need to consider if you want to improve your skills in conflict management, and according to CMA Consulting, they offer virtual conflict management skills training that will help you make improvements. 

Author: Abby Hill