Did you know that there are different types of solar panels?
A solar panel captures sunlight and converts it to electricity. It consists of solar cells composed of layers of phosphorous, boron, and silicon.
If you’re looking to live a more sustainable lifestyle, solar panels are the way to go. It decreases the emission of greenhouse gases and is also renewable and clean. One great benefit of solar power is that it allows you to save money.
Before calling an installer, it’s crucial to choose the right type of solar panel. Continue reading to find out the different types of solar panels.
1. Monocrystalline
A monocrystalline solar panel consists of monocrystalline cells. The material used to create these cells are pure silicon cut into wafers. It’s the type of solar panel with a dark black appearance.
Pure silicon, when exposed to sunlight, turns black. This gives monocrystalline panels a dark appearance.
The solar installation of monocrystalline panels follows a pyramid pattern. It allows the solar panels to absorb more solar power with their increased surface area. Monocrystalline panels have a max power capacity of 300W of electricity.
If you have limited space on your roof, monocrystalline panels are your best solution.
2. Polycrystalline
Polycrystalline solar panels consist of several silicon fragments. Manufacturers melt and mold these particles together. It can come in a bluish tone because of the different silicon fragments used.
Polycrystalline can generate 240W of electricity. It has a performance rating of 15% to 17%.
Its composition makes it difficult for the electrons to pass through. This means that these solar panels have less efficiency than monocrystalline. It also helps to note that silicon is a semiconductor of electricity.
One major disadvantage of using polycrystalline is its low tolerance for heat. As a result, it performs less in high-temperature areas. If you live in a cooler area, we recommend polycrystalline panels.
3. Thin Film
Thin film is thinner than other types of solar panels. It uses amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride, and copper indium gallium selenide in manufacturing. Each material creates a solar panel different from the others.
Manufacturers use a thin coat of photovoltaic substances and apply it to glass. This produces a flexible sheet in several instances.
Thin-film has the lowest efficiency and power capacity. It’s 2% to 3% lower than crystalline panels in performance. It can be difficult to determine its capacity since thin films come in different sizes.
Thin-film with amorphous silicon is best for materials asking for little power. Cadmium telluride has an efficiency rating of 9% to 11%. Get the thin film made with copper indium gallium selenide if you want high efficiency.
It’s best to use thin-film solar panels if you need to cover a wide area. It’s also the ideal type of solar panel to install in hotter places. If you live in Kansas, go solar with Blue Raven today.
Choosing the Right Type of Solar Panels
Here are the three types of solar panels: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin film. Your choice will determine the efficiency, power capacity, and overall cost.
You can now choose the right type of solar panels with the help of this article. For more helpful information, consider checking out our other blog posts. We have more great tips on transitioning to a more sustainable life.